707/90 George St
Hornsby NSW 2077
9482 8113

Dr George D Naike, Clinical Hypnotherapist
George is a trained and licensed Australian practitioner of Clinical
Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy. He is also a qualified Metaphysical Counsellor, an advanced form of counselling. These modes of therapy can deliver fast and effective results in overcoming stress, anxiety, insomnia, coping with grief & loss, and many other life challenges. His utmost aim is to help you get the best possible result and feel better.
Everyone is unique so George works with his clients on their desired goals to design a tailor-made treatment plan for each person prior to sessions. He offers his clients practical, easy-to-follow and reassuring guidance to make desired changes. This in turn gives each client the ability to work on details of his or her own treatment plan while moving positively forward and living a better life. George feels enriched by his years of supporting his clients to get out of “dark spaces” and experience the true joy of living quality life. He takes pride in working with people from all walks of life.
George continues to study psychological aspects of the human mind while interfacing empirical and psychotherapeutic sciences. His basis is taken from three major aspects; Ontology (the nature of being), Epistemology (the theory of knowledge – perception, reason and memory), and Cosmogony (the Universal arrangements and the essence underlying each of us as a human being but yet connecting us all Universally).
George holds a Philosophy Doctorate, Ph.D. degree with speciality in Metaphysical Counselling, a deeper method of Counselling. He is here to help.
Call 9482-8113 today for one-at-a-time or set session appointments. George is available
5pm and 9.30pm Monday to Friday, and on weekends by appointment only.