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Kosta Nikolovski Dip Remedial Massage, Cert IV Aromatherapy

  After years in pure left brain hemisphere jobs, such as teaching calculus and advanced mathematic, or developing software and data analysis, Kosta arrived to the point in life when he started considering change in direction.

Having had a very powerful experience during a treatment from a reiki master, Kosta turned his attention towards alternative therapies and wholistic healing.


  Kosta dedicated the time to complete the diploma course in remedial massage, and a course in aromatherapy afterwards.


  Kosta understands the importance of body energy flow, so his treatments always include work on the energy level. To complement the quality of massage, he uses quality natural essential oils which, combined with traditional massage, helps increase the feeling of deep relaxation during the treatment to a different level.


  Kosta is currently undertaking a course in the japanese style of massage, shiatsu. Shiatsu works along the energy meridians and helps maintain uninterruptted ki movement in the body.


Kosta is available:     

Monday and Wednesday (9.00 - 18.00) and

Saturdays (10.00-13.00)


Call 9482 8113 to make a booking.

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